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出售: TANNOY CHEVIOT 12" 鋼磁座地喇叭

價錢 HK$: 歡迎親臨或來電查詢
TANNOY CHEVIOT 12" 鋼磁座地喇叭。約1976年生產,TANNOY LEGACY 復刻系列揀選喇叭。外國評論:"The Tannoy Cheviots use 12 HPD315 drivers and are the best compromise between price / performance / size...... The crossovers use later metalised film capacitors (WIMA mostly) so they do not degrade and seldom need to be replaced. I owned a pair of new Legacy Cheviots. The quality was poor and they are massively overpriced. I sent them back and reverted to my 1978 version. I will never part with them. 10/10." 喇叭外觀良好,單元、音箱均為原裝,有面網,聲音極佳。歡迎致電:27810789 / 96092796預約試音

本店專營TANNOY、JBL 二手音響寄賣。代客寄賣各式音響產品、二手精品出售。歡迎光臨參觀

作者:中古發燒 於 2020-06-08 23:37:37 發表

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