1949西電22號單支布身線,約1200呎(6 lbs.)。適合DIY編織訊號或喇叭線。
1949 Western Electric 22ga cloth covered single strand solid copper switchboard wire. Excellent wire for making DIY HiFI signal patch cords or speaker cables using braided methods.
Price $8/foot
絕對正貨, 請安心購買。
市區地鐵站交收,例如 金鐘站Admiralty MTR Station.
I am a vintage hi-fi and electronic enthusiast; all vacuum tubes and parts are my private collection from Canada. 所有出讓的真空管, 零件都是小弟私人收藏,從加拿大带返。
Please leave pm with telephone number. Thank you!
作者:tubepower 於 2016-08-19 12:37:13 發表
1949西電22號單支布身線,約1200呎(6 lbs.)。適合DIY編織訊號或喇叭線。
1949 Western Electric 22ga cloth covered single strand solid copper switchboard wire. Excellent wire for making DIY HiFI signal patch cords or speaker cables using braided methods.
Price $8/foot
絕對正貨, 請安心購買。
市區地鐵站交收,例如 金鐘站Admiralty MTR Station.
I am a vintage hi-fi and electronic enthusiast; all vacuum tubes and parts are my private collection from Canada. 所有出讓的真空管, 零件都是小弟私人收藏,從加拿大带返。
Please leave pm with telephone number. Thank you!

作者:tubepower 於 2016-08-19 12:37:13 發表